Monday, July 30, 2012

the beach boys

The Beach Boys then and now. My first real musical influence dating back to childhood. I started writing little jingles because of them . Started daydreaming about being a famous singer. The vocal harmonies stand up today. So to does their introspective music like Pet Sounds and Smile. I used to lipsync to their music. I would set up some stuffed animals as a band and play the fromtman. I even did their shtick.

10 I cant help you (Limited time free download)

10 I cant help you (Limited time free download)

Thursday, July 26, 2012

I continue to write and record music. I Use soundcloud for most postings. I am getting better at recording.I use Cakewalk. I am planning on putting out a DC in November. After the craziness of my wedding dies down and i have more money. I am very excited for this.